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- The information in this file is the non-formatted version of the
- Windows 3.1 (tm) Help File.
- Object of the Game
- What are Personalities?
- Registration
- Basic Personality Concepts
- Personality Factor Definitions
- About the Author
- The #1 Beta Man
- ***
- Object of the Game
- ***
- Span-It! is a two-player connect-the-dot game. Each player is
- assigned an orientation at the start of the game. One player
- is horizontal and the other is vertical. Players alternate turns
- placing connectors on the board. The object of the game is
- for each player to span the board in the direction of his/her
- favored orientation by completing a path from one end to
- another.
- The challenge is to block your opponent while still making
- progress. A game will never end in a draw. Someone always
- wins (or quits!)
- By default, Span-It! assumes the horizontal player is human,
- and the vertical player is the computer using a default
- personality. Any combination of human and computer
- players is allowed.
- ***
- What are Personalities?
- ***
- Span-It! has an exciting option that is not available in many
- games. Not only is it possible to play against the computer,
- but you may define virtually every aspect of how the
- computer plays.
- Like many game playing programs, Span-It! assigns a
- number to the perceived importance of every empty position
- on the game board. This number is called the weight. The
- board position (node) with the best weight is the one Span-It!
- will select for the next move.
- The computer assigns the weights based on a well-defined
- set of factors. For example, Span-It! will add the value of the
- PathIsWinner factor to the weight of an empty position that
- can win the game. There are several factors that influence
- the weight of a node.
- A personality is a set of values assigned to the factors used
- by the computer during auto-play mode. When you press
- one of the "Load Personality" buttons in the new game dialog
- box, you may select different personalities. Some
- personalities are more "intelligent" than others. You also may
- edit or create your own.
- Remember that personalities only influence the way the
- computer plays. Human players probably use different
- methods to "calculate" moves. The selected personality for a
- human player is the one that the HINT menu option uses.
- The way to tell the computer to play instead of a human is by
- checking the "computer plays" box in each player definition
- section of the new game dialog box.
- It is possible to have the computer play itself using two
- different personalities. The "referee" is a completely different
- part of the program. The opposing personalities are not
- allowed to cheat!
- ***
- Registration
- ***
- Span-It!
- Copyright (c) 1993, Mark T. Chapman
- All Rights Reserved
- Span-It! is shareware. You may try the program free of charge and may
- make copies for others. If you continue to play Span-It!, a $15
- registration fee is required. This program may be distributed freely or for
- a nominal media charge (less than $5) provided that no modifications
- are made to any files. Authenticity may be verified for free by the
- program's author via. SASE for a limited time. For registration
- information, see the file REGISTER.TXT or REGISTRATION under the
- HELP menu.
- For $15 registration (plus shipping) you will receive:
- 1. Your own personalized copy of this and the next release
- of Span-It!
- 2. Prototypes of Span-It! on alternate operating systems.
- 3. The Span-It! Toolkit. Several programs that will help you
- create better personalities.
- 4. One entry per person in the free Span-It! Ultimate
- Personality Competition. (Registration is not required to
- enter the competition. Just mail a disk or printout of your best
- Span-It! personality to the registration address below.
- Winning personalities will be included in the next release of
- Span-It!)
- Registration Forms can be printed via. the help screen (FILE |
- PRINT TOPIC) or else you may copy the file REGISTER.TXT
- to the printer from DOS by:
- Please send registration of $15 U.S. (plus $2 shipping in
- Continental United States, $5 elsewhere) to:
- Mark Chapman
- Span-It! Registration
- 1126 Wauwatosa Rd.
- Cedarburg, WI 53012
- Your name and shipping address:
- Media type (3.5" or 5.25" floppy disk):
- Your Span-It! handle (the name to appear on the
- personalized "About" screen):
- Don't forget to enter your best personality in the Span-It!
- Ultimate Personality Competition.
- For academic discussion, my Internet address is
- chapman@miller.cs.uwm.edu.
- Your suggestions are always welcome.
- Watch for the I.B.M. OS/2 2.1 version soon!
- Thank You for trying my game.
- ***
- Personality Factor Descriptions
- ***
- Before reading this section, please make sure you are familiar
- with the material in Basic Personality Concepts
- This is a step-by-step description of how the value of a trial
- node is computed. Part A describes how the weight of a
- single trial node is computed. Part B describes how all trial
- nodes on the board are compared to select the best move.
- Part A: Compute the weight of a single trial node
- 1. Determine the initial weight of the trial node.
- NodeMajor: If the trial node is a major node, assign
- NodeMajor to the initial weight of the trial node.
- NodeMinor: If the trial node is minor node, assign
- NodeMinor to the initial weight of the trial node.
- NodeRandom: Always add a random number between 0
- and NodeRandom to the weight of the trial node.
- 2. Add the change in path weight to the weight of the trial
- node.
- The path weight may be computed for any Path. It does not
- matter if the path is a Real Path or a Resultant Path. All we
- care about are the characteristics of the connected set of
- nodes. The order the nodes were connected will not change
- the path weight.
- A path weight PW is computed as follows:
- PathMajorSpan: Assign variable PS to the number of rows
- or columns the path spans in the major direction. Assign
- the initial path weight to:
- PW = (Sign of PathMajorSpan) * (AbsoluteValue of
- PathMajorSpan)^PS.
- PathMinorSpan: Assign variable ps to the number of rows
- or columns the path spans in the minor direction. Add the
- PathMinorSpan factor into the path weight by the following
- formula:
- PW = PW + (Sign of Path Major Span) * (Absolute
- Value of PathMinorSpan)^ps.
- PathIsAnchored: If the path is connected to a major edge,
- add PathIsAnchored to the value of PW. (Note: If a path is
- anchored at two opposite major edges, the path is a
- winner).
- if the path is connected to a major edge,
- PW = PW + PathIsAnchored
- PathIsWinner: If a path spans the board in the major
- direction, add PathIsWinner to W. (The value of
- PathIsWinner usually is very large compared to every
- other factor.)
- If the path wins the game
- PW = PW + PathIsWinner
- PathMemberCount: Assign M to the total number of nodes
- in a path.
- PW = PW + PathMemberCount ^M .
- Now that we know how to compute the weight of a path, let's
- see how path weight influences the value of the trial node.
- A. Identify the real paths that the current player owns that are
- adjacent to the trial node.
- B. Compute the Existing Path Weight (EPW) as the sum of
- the PW of the paths identified in (A).
- C. Generate the resultant path.
- D. Compute the Resultant Path Weight (RPW).
- E. Add the change in path weight (RPW minus EPW) to the
- weight of the trial node.
- 3. Add the change in board weight to the weight of the trial
- node.
- BoardPathCount: Assign np = the number of new paths
- created by selecting the trial node.
- NP = 1 (When a new path is started)
- NP = 0 (When an existing path is expanded)
- NP = -1 (When two paths are merged)
- Now add NP times BoardPathCount to the trial node
- weight.
- Part B: How all trial nodes are compared to select the
- next best move
- GamePredictability%: Let MyW = value of selecting the trial
- node. Let YourW = weight if the auto-player uses the
- current personality to assess the value if the other player
- were to select the trial node. (The referee does not allow
- "cheating". To calculate YourW, the auto-personality has
- to use its own weights.) The final value W of the trial
- node is computed by:
- W = MyW + (GameTreePredictability% * YourW) / 100
- GameTreeMaxBreadth: The computer attempts to "look
- ahead" a certain number of moves to help decide the
- weight of each free node. It could take a very long time to
- evaluate every possible outcome of a single game.
- GameTreeMaxBreadth is the factor that limits the breadth
- of the beam search used for the game tree.
- GameTreeMaxDepth: GameTreeMaxDepth is the maximum
- number of moves ahead the computer looks. KEEP THIS
- VALUE SMALL. The total number of moves that the
- computer will look at has an upper bound of:
- GameTreeMaxBreadth ^ GameTreeMaxDepth
- abbreviated to: b ^ d.
- A 486-33 can compute about 1,000 moves in a
- reasonable amount of time. 2,000 moves takes about
- twice as long. The important thing to realize is that the
- number of moves is exponential with respect to d. If b =
- 10 and d = 3, the computer already will examine up to
- 1,000 moves per turn. If you let b = 10 and d = 6, the
- computer will examine up to 1,000,000 moves per turn!
- Let b and d remain small! Otherwise the computer will
- just take to much time to respond. It will be interrupted at
- the Maximum Auto Move time; thus, the personality will
- not get a chance to finish the calculations anyway!
- GameTreeBreadthTrim%: In addition to the maximum auto
- move time function, each personality has an option to trim
- or increase the breadth of the search as it descends levels
- in the game tree. It is most likely that you would want this
- factor to be a positive number. Otherwise the breadth at
- each level will increase and the time to select a move will
- grow very quickly.
- GameTreeValueFade%: If you read this far, you deserve to
- find out that the personalities don't really use an actual
- "game tree" to look ahead moves. I made my own
- algorithm to allow experimentation into how important the
- value of the perceived weights change as we look deeper
- into the game tree. This factor is used to fade or increase
- the value of the possible moves when looking ahead. It is
- applied as the values are passed back up each level. A
- positive value means that the value of each level
- decreases based on the level of the game tree.
- ***
- Basic Personality Concepts
- ***
- The information in this section is crucial to the understanding
- of the Factor Definitions, It is assumed that you have played
- a few games of Span-It! It may be helpful to examine the
- Board Diagram.
- Vocabulary:
- Node
- Major Node
- Minor Node
- Orientation
- Owner
- Path
- Trial Node
- Resultant Path
- Real Path
- Path Major Span
- Path Minor Span
- ***
- About the Author
- ***
- Education:
- Bachelor of Science University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
- 1992 (Computer Science.)
- Programmed in C and C++ in a UNIX environment.
- Worked on a wide variety of projects, including parallel
- processing and infinite precision arithmetic.
- Currently a graduate student at UWM studying Cryptography
- and Data Security.
- Work Experience Overview:
- Worked at least five years at a local consulting firm.
- Managed projects and coordinated personnel.
- Supplied primary customer contact for several major
- accounts.
- Prepared and presented custom sales and training seminars.
- Designed and programmed a wide range of applications.
- Developed software for UNIX, DOS, WANG VS and other
- operating systems.
- Programmed in C, COBOL, Paradox(TM), Informix(TM), and
- more.
- Helped install and administer Novell(TM), LanTastic(TM),
- and UNIX Networks.
- Distributed data collection applications with hand-held
- computers.
- "Downsized" several operations from old minicomputers to
- UNIX or PC's.
- Self-study highlights:
- Artificial intelligence and game playing.
- Windows 3.x (tm) API (obvious!)
- OS/2 (tm) PM Programming (Span-It! is on the way...)
- ***
- Thank You
- ***
- A quick thanks to my good friend, Jay Dittmann.
- His persistence and detailed criticism pushed the limits of his
- free time, my compiler, our modems,
- and most wonderfully -- the quality of the final product.
- Node: a position on the board.
- Major Node: a position on the board that always
- connects in the direction of the owner's orientation. (See
- "maj" in the diagram)
- Minor Node: a position on the board that always
- connects in the opposite direction of the owner's
- orientation. (See "min" in the diagram)
- Orientation: the direction in which a player is trying to
- connect nodes to win the game. The player who is trying
- to connect top to bottom has the vertical orientation. The
- player who is trying to connect left to right has the
- horizontal orientation.
- The orientation does not refer to any specific node. It only
- refers to the players and the object of the game.
- Owner: the player who has placed a connector in a
- node is the owner of that node.
- Path: a connected set of nodes owned by the same
- player. The horizontal player owns two paths in the
- diagram.
- Path Major Span: the number of major nodes spanned
- by a path. In the diagram, the horizontal player's path in
- the upper-left hand corner has a major span of three. The
- horizontal player's other path has a major span of zero. If
- the vertical player moves in the major node highlighted in
- purple, the Resultant Path will also have a major span of
- three.
- Path Minor Span: the number of minor nodes spanned
- by a path. In the diagram, the horizontal player's path in
- the upper-left hand corner has a minor span of 1. The
- horizontal player's other path also has a minor span of 1.
- Trial Node: a single empty node that is the target of the
- current weight evaluation during auto play.
- Resultant Path: the path that would be created if the
- Trial Node were selected as the next move. In the
- diagram, consider the "if vertical goes here" node as the
- trial node. The PathMajorSpan and PathMinorSpan
- graphed in green is that of the resultant path.
- Real Path: a path that is already visible on the board.